
Showing posts from March, 2021

Few Common Reasons Men Should Go to The Spa 

Few Common Reasons Men Should Go to The Spa When going to the spa may seem like a feminine activity, it can have wonderful benefits for any man that lets himself pamper. From rejuvenation of the mind and body to keeping up of the skin, eyes and other areas, a trip to the spa can keep any man looking good and feeling ready to take on the day. Here are four reasons that men should go to the spa and enjoy the special treatment they deserve. Spa is The Ideal Way to Relax    Like women, men often have hectic lifestyles filled with talks, business calls, late nights at work and commitments to a family at home. Several men find stress relief in sports and physical activity but, depending on what shape they’re in, may not get all they need through exercise. A trip to the spa is the ideal way to relax. After any worrying time in life. A lot of the treatments in the spa have geared toward relaxation and will allow a man to emerge feeling ready for whatever life throws at him!  Deep Tis
  Five Things You Need to Know About Breast Cancer ​ Breast cancer is a fatal disease caused by a malignant formation of cells in the tissue of the breasts. Cancer cells–damaged or mutated cells that grow at an uncontrollable rate–will remain in the breasts and not spread, or it could be malignant and cause damage to the surrounding tissue and spread to the other organs of the body. Doctors diagnose millions of women all over the world with breast cancer every year, and the good news is that medical advancements have allowed the mortality rate to go down since the early 90s. To help you get to know this type of cancer or condition better, listed below are five facts that you need to know about it. It is the most common type of cancer among women all over the World ​ 1 out of 8 women face the risks of a breast cancer diagnosis at least once in their life. This is ‘good’ news because advancements in medical science have allowed a better understand
  Your Mother’s Health and You ​ Author: Mike Thomson Category: Women’s Health One of the best ways to decide your risk for disease is to have an open and honest discussion with your mom about her health history and that of other family members. Getting excellent information is the first step in fighting some common women’s health problems that are often inherited. “You may have inherited a lot of significant features from your mother — perhaps you got her beautiful wavy hair or her high cheekbones. Unfortunately, she may have also passed down a higher risk for the women’s health conditions you’d rather not develop, giving you an increased chance of having breast cancer or osteoporosis. But don’t think you are powerless in the face of your genes. Living healthy and getting proper health screenings can prevent many women’s health problems or detect them early when they’re most treatable. Like mother, like daughter? That can be great but not for inherited women’s health conditions. B